Notice: require(): read of 6582 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/vendor/jetpack-autoloader/class-php-autoloader.php on line 90

Notice: require(): read of 6582 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/vendor/jetpack-autoloader/class-php-autoloader.php on line 90
unction site_supports_blaze( $blog_id ) { /* * On, we don't need to make an API request, * we can query directly. */ if ( defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM && function_exists( 'blaze_is_site_eligible' ) ) { return blaze_is_site_eligible( $blog_id ); } $cached_result = get_transient( 'jetpack_blaze_site_supports_blaze_' . $blog_id ); if ( false !== $cached_result ) { return $cached_result; } // Make the API request. $url = sprintf( '/sites/%d/blaze/status', $blog_id ); $response = Client::wpcom_json_api_request_as_blog( $url, '2', array( 'method' => 'GET' ), null, 'wpcom' ); // Bail if there was an error or malformed response. if ( is_wp_error( $response ) || 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) { return false; } // Decode the results. $result = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true ); // Bail if there were no results returned. if ( ! is_array( $result ) || empty( $result['approved'] ) ) { return false; } // Cache the result for 24 hours. set_transient( 'jetpack_blaze_site_supports_blaze_' . $blog_id, (bool) $result['approved'], DAY_IN_SECONDS ); return (bool) $result['approved']; } /** * Determines if criteria is met to enable Blaze features. * Keep in mind that this makes remote requests, so we want to avoid calling it when unnecessary, like in the frontend. * * @return bool */ public static function should_initialize() { $should_initialize = true; $is_wpcom = defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM; $connection = new Jetpack_Connection(); $site_id = Jetpack_Connection::get_site_id(); // Only admins should be able to Blaze posts on a site. if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return false; } // On self-hosted sites, we must do some additional checks. if ( ! $is_wpcom ) { /* * These features currently only work on, * so the site must be connected to, and the user as well for things to work. */ if ( is_wp_error( $site_id ) || ! $connection->is_connected() || ! $connection->is_user_connected() ) { $should_initialize = false; } // The whole thing is powered by Sync! if ( ! Sync_Settings::is_sync_enabled() ) { $should_initialize = false; } } // Check if the site supports Blaze. if ( is_numeric( $site_id ) && ! self::site_supports_blaze( $site_id ) ) { $should_initialize = false; } /** * Filter to disable all Blaze functionality. * * @since 0.3.0 * * @param bool $should_initialize Whether Blaze should be enabled. Default to true. */ return apply_filters( 'jetpack_blaze_enabled', $should_initialize ); } /** * Get URL to create a Blaze campaign for a specific post. * * This can return 2 different types of URL: * - Calypso Links * - wp-admin Links if access to the wp-admin Blaze Dashboard is enabled. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * * @return array An array with the link, and whether this is a Calypso or a wp-admin link. */ public static function get_campaign_management_url( $post_id ) { if ( self::is_dashboard_enabled() ) { $admin_url = admin_url( 'tools.php?page=advertising' ); $hostname = wp_parse_url( get_site_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ); $blaze_url = sprintf( '%1$s#!/advertising/%2$s/posts/promote/post-%3$s', $admin_url, $hostname, esc_attr( $post_id ) ); return array( 'link' => $blaze_url, 'external' => false, ); } // Default Calypso link. $blaze_url = Redirect::get_url( 'jetpack-blaze', array( 'query' => 'blazepress-widget=post-' . esc_attr( $post_id ), ) ); return array( 'link' => $blaze_url, 'external' => true, ); } /** * Adds the Promote link to the posts list row action. * * @param array $post_actions The current array of post actions. * @param WP_Post $post The current post in the post list table. * * @return array */ public static function jetpack_blaze_row_action( $post_actions, $post ) { $post_id = $post->ID; // Bail if we are not looking at one of the supported post types (post, page, or product). if ( ! in_array( $post->post_type, array( 'post', 'page', 'product' ), true ) ) { return $post_actions; } // Bail if the post is not published. if ( $post->post_status !== 'publish' ) { return $post_actions; } // Bail if the post has a password. if ( '' !== $post->post_password ) { return $post_actions; } $blaze_url = self::get_campaign_management_url( $post_id ); $text = __( 'Promote with Blaze', 'jetpack-blaze' ); $title = get_the_title( $post ); $label = sprintf( /* translators: post title */ __( 'Blaze “%s” to Tumblr and audiences.', 'jetpack-blaze' ), $title ); $post_actions['blaze'] = sprintf( '%3$s', esc_url( $blaze_url['link'] ), esc_attr( $label ), esc_html( $text ), ( true === $blaze_url['external'] ? 'target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"' : '' ) ); return $post_actions; } /** * Enqueue block editor assets. */ public static function enqueue_block_editor_assets() { /* * We do not want (nor need) Blaze in the site editor, or the widget editor, or the classic editor. * We only want it in the post editor. * Enqueueing the script in those editors would cause a fatal error. * See #20357 for more info. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) { // When Gutenberg is loaded in the frontend. return; } $current_screen = get_current_screen(); if ( empty( $current_screen ) || $current_screen->base !== 'post' || ! $current_screen->is_block_editor() ) { return; } // Bail if criteria is not met to enable Blaze features. if ( ! self::should_initialize() ) { return; } Assets::register_script( self::SCRIPT_HANDLE, self::$script_path, __FILE__, array( 'enqueue' => true, 'in_footer' => true, 'textdomain' => 'jetpack-blaze', ) ); // Adds Connection package initial state. Connection_Initial_State::render_script( self::SCRIPT_HANDLE ); // Pass additional data to our script. wp_localize_script( self::SCRIPT_HANDLE, 'blazeInitialState', array( 'adminUrl' => esc_url( admin_url() ), 'isDashboardEnabled' => self::is_dashboard_enabled(), 'siteFragment' => ( new Jetpack_Status() )->get_site_suffix(), ) ); } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Automattic\Jetpack\Blaze' not found in /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/blaze.php:18 Stack trace: #0 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack.php(1897): include_once() #1 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): Jetpack::load_modules('') #2 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #3 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-settings.php(495): do_action('plugins_loaded') #5 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-config.php(95): require_once('/home/tvsazfgs/...') #6 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/home/tvsazfgs/...') #7 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/tvsazfgs/...') #8 /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/tvsazfgs/...') #9 {main} thrown in /home/tvsazfgs/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/blaze.php on line 18